
Living the dream?

Self employment - being free of the Boss - is most people’s dream. Freedom to do what they are passionate about! But the road to Success sure is a rocky one…


Living the dream?

One minute you are on a high and ready to take on the World, the next you feel worthless, foolish and want to throw in the towel. Perhaps a deal didn’t go quite way you imagined?

Maybe negative feedback dampened your enthusiasm - or the new guys in town is making you feel outdated and inadequate. Sound familiar?

Whatever your business type or industry, or however many years of experience you have, it is common to experience self-doubt from time to time. Who can you turn to? Where can you look for help?

Look those doubts in the eye

Treat this like you would any problems that arises in your business - with action.

This coaching programme is created for small businesses - the ones who take care of almost every aspect of their business themselves. The ones who manage their own HR and wellbeing programmes, the ones who depend on themselves to get stuff done. And the ones who will benefit from having renewed focus, a boost in motivation and a clearer perspective.

I've worked with business owners to address problems identified as:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of Direction / Focus
  • Managing Stress levels
  • Self esteem and Confidence
  • Goal setting 
  • Productivity

Let's work out the source of those doubts and fears, and leave them behind. Your business doesn’t need them! 

Especially in the World of Business, where Success means you are winning but anything less means you’re a loser. What about if we could identify what causes this negative thinking ourselves? Spot these potholes in the path, then discover how to move them, or push them away, or sort them out so they won’t trip you up again?

Small businesses - the ones who take care of almost every aspect of their business themselves, who manage their own HR and wellbeing programmes, the ones who depend on themselves to get stuff done - will benefit from having renewed focus, a boost in motivation and a clearer perspective.

Your beliefs and your behaviours

We collect beliefs about life, relationships, ourselves, people, family, etc throughout our life but did you know that we can often have a belief but act in a contradicting way without knowing it?It doesn't mean the belief is wrong, we may not have acknowledged the...

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Coaching workshop feedback

My first workshop about implementing coaching and training in the workplace on behalf of the local college went really well. In the short workshop, we talked about the difficulties of clear definitions of coaching and training, when coaching or training is the...

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