I am reflecting on the helping athletes succeed workshop last night and am so very grateful for all that attended and contributed to discussions, offered opinions and shared their coaching struggles when supporting athletes with mental illness.

There are so few resources available to support those who support people living with mental illness and even to promote their own wellbeing and those of their athletes. I can’t say I wasn’t frustrated by the tonne of interest but the minimal bookings. However I am choosing to see the quality in having a small group of people who are great coaches and dedicated to doing the best for their athletes. Recognising this is the first step to a bigger movement.
Mental illness is becoming such a big thing in our world and we cannot shy away from it any longer. So this is my pledge – I promise to maintain my passion for raising awareness, supporting those who find themselves in the support role. Sports coaches are good at what they do and they deserve to be supported.
I will be running another workshop in September 2019 (date to be confirmed), so if you are ready to be part of the solution and break the stigma, get involved.