
Someone recently asked me if my son’s anxiety was a result of my depression, or if my depression was a result of his anxiety. Although he was born with anxiety caused by a stressful pregnancy and birth along with a stressed mum, my depression had started 6 years after. It may have been caught up in it but wasn’t the cause. But he was definitely my motivation and inspiration to get better.

It was more important to me to help him and that learning helped me in my journey too. As I came to understand his anxiety, so I came to understand my depression. But I did have to be far more self aware and adjust my own behaviours and actions too. 

It wasn’t easy – I often would come undone under the pressure.
But I didn’t let the guilt grow, I was struggling too. I would learn from it and do it better next time. Our fight against mental ill health was solely my responsibility and I did what I did with the knowledge I had at the time, and continued learning and learning until we were better.

My son is 30 months free from anxiety. I have bad days like everyone, but depression is a thing of the past. My learning curve has continued – my clients continue to teach me and I pass on my learning to them too.

If you have a child who is struggling, or you yourself are struggling – get in touch Come and find out how you can help yourselves too.
